Friday, May 29, 2009

What the summer brings...

Today, I had to say goodbye(for the summer) to a girl in my class who I fell in love with the day she started!! C (that's what we will call her) is funny, loving and caring!! She always brought a smile to my face right when I walked in the door!! My favorite part about C is her belly button. C was blessed with a herniated belly button...which means her stomach muscles didn't close and so her belly button protrudes because her intestines can poke through the muscles! Anyway, she loves to show it off to people!! If you say, "Hi, C!", she will look at you with a huge smile and pull her shirt up and make sure you know about her button!!

C, I will miss you this summer! I hope you have fun and I am excited to see in the Toddler II room in the fall!!

C is not the only one leaving for the summer...there are 4 others...S has started growing on me. She finally is ready to conquer the world. She has a great laugh and is always filled with energy!!! I am her favorite and I will miss the great hugs from her.

J is our little crazy girl! She is just starting to walk on her skinny legs and it is so fun to see her excitement!! She brings a light to the classroom that no one else brings. J, will be the comedian of any room as she grows up!!!

G, well he is the one I am fine with leaving...He came to us at 8 months old and poor thing had NO social skills...he has been held his whole life(mom said so). G has gotten better since he has been in our care but he still has a lot to improve. He will come back to us at the end of summer and I am hoping to see great improvement in this little guy! I love him when he is happy; he's got a great personality!!

And then there is I! She is our little leprechaun! I is 14 months old and stands maybe 27 inches tall!! She is the one who yells everything she says with much energy. I is a very sincere little girl who loves a good hug!! She is by far the best hugger also!! She is leaving cuz mom will be on maternity leave...I really hope to see her during that time though!!!

So, sad days are lurking now for this coming month. I spend every working minute with these kids, and they hold a huge spot in my heart!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Good TV

I was really excited tonight!! There was finally good television on on a Wednesday!! George Straight was honored as Artist of the Decade!! It was a great show! A lot of good songs and a lot of good artists. I was sad George didn't sing more, but all in all a great show!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Dear Body,

Please, please, please get better. I am tired and just want to feel 100% again. I have been taking good care of you and just ask that you would reciprocate that!! If you heal, then the both of us will be able to have a ton more fun than what we are currently. Please react to these new medications soon!!

Love, Janice

Friday, May 8, 2009

What a day

2 things that made my day: finding out I have a sinus infection and then while going back to work, a guy turns left in front of me when he didn't have time.

I am uninjured as of car is not bad...the other guys is....also the guy had autism...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

A Well Needed and Reserved Weekend

This weekend in Lincoln 5 girls got together!! It was soooo much fun! There is nothing better than stewing over college memories and making new memories!! Thanks girls for a fun time!! Love ya'll!!