Saturday, November 29, 2008

My Black Friday Schedule

Yes, I did go early morning shopping on Black Friday. Yes, I am crazy. And, yes, I did get everything I went out for!!

My Schedule was:

2:30am: wake up and get dressed and ready
2:45am: leave the house to go shopping
3:00am: arrive at Kohl's to wait for the door's to open at 4am
4:00am: Kohl's opens and I run in, grab a cart, and run for what I want
4:05am: Cash regster line to pay for my purchase
4:10am: Drive across the street to Wal-Mart to wait for it to open
5:00am: Wal-mart opens and I run in, grab what I want and pay
5:05am: Drive a block or two to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and get what I want there
5:15am: Drive back down the street to Target and wait for it to open
6:00am: Target opens, I walk in a look for the ideas of what I want
6:25am: Pay at Target and go to car to drive home
6:40am: Stop at Bruegger's Bagels to get a well deserved breakfast
6:50am: home from shopping trip

It was a great morning!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008



T..... is for our thankfulness for many joys and blessings...

H..... is for our homes so warm and bright...

A..... is for autumn, time for harvest and abundance...

N..... is for nature's beauty and delight...

K..... is for the kitchens where good food is cooked with love...

S..... for spicy fragrances in the air...

G..... is for the gathering of family and friends...

I..... for the inheritance we share...

V..... is for the vision that the Pilgrims held so dear...

I..... is for high ideals in all they planned...

N..... is for our native country brave and great and free...

G..... for God's great goodness to us.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Weird Things Happen

Do you ever have weird things happen while you are sleeping? Like you wake up and know that you had something near you but, it is not there? This happened to me last night. I went to bed with sweat pants on and woke up and they were all the way across the room. I couldn't figure out for the life of me what happened. Crazy. Hope this is not the beginning of an interesting day!

Love ya'll

Friday, November 14, 2008

It has begun

All the illnesses that come with the winter have started. I don't know that I am ready, but so far there is strep and ear infection going around like crazy at work. No flu yet, but I am sure that will come too. Speaking of the flu, I am torn as to whether to get a flu shot or not. I did last year and I was fine. But there are quite a few of my co-workers that have gotten it this year and have gotten really sick just after getting it. On the other hand, my mom got one and she was fine. Such a tough decision.

Well hopefully today will fly by. I am excited to get on the road and travel to see friends this weekend!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

All moved in

Well Mom and I are all moved in to the duplex in Des Moines. The intention of the past week was to start unpacking boxes and making this a home. That didn't happen. I got sick on Monday night and that lasted all week. On top of the one of my uncles had a major heart attack on Tuesday so we have been spending a lot of time at the hospital. Good news: I am not sick and my uncle is doing well. He had been in the Critical Care Unit (CCU), sedated, on a ventilator and a balloon pump running his heart. On Friday they took him off the balloon pump and his heart worked on it's own!!! Then Saturday they took him off sedation and also off the ventiltor!! He is also out of the CCU and in a regular hospital room. So thanks for the prayers if you got my note on facebook. Hopefully this week we can get some boxes unpacked and make this place start feeling like a home.

I can't wait to see some of you next weekend!!