Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today in church, my pastor was talking about this week being the beginning of Lent. He challenged us to read the book of Matthew. Not hard, I can do that. Here is the thing...instead of giving something up for Lent, I am challenging myself to get into my Bible at least two times a day. One to do my quiet time, the other to read some of Matthew. I know that I can do this, but I know that it will take getting used to also.

So I am asking you to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. If you want stop by and see how I have been doing. I will begin on Wednesday!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Happy Haircut Day to me!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentine's Day

The weather here is crazy...I mean 65 yesterday and currently it 36 and snowing. On top of that on Friday we could get 5-12 inches of the white stuff!! Ughh.

Anyway, I have been thinking lately about Valentine's Day. People asking me if I have a "hot date" and such. HELLO... I am single, NO I don't have a hot date. I mean I do, His name is Jesus. He and I will have a great day!! I am not afraid of being single. I love that I am single and I can do things that I want with out holding back. I like that I can plan a nice vacation with friends and not have to ask. I like that I am comfortable being single, Thank you Jesus!!

Jesus will be my boyfriend until He shows me a human guy that will take care of me the same way He does!

Now that I have that off my shoulders, I plan to have a great day!! Hope you do to!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I was this saying as I drove past a church the other day. It was on there sign.

Prayer: Wireless connection with God without roaming charges.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


So since it is Super Bowl Sunday, I have been reminded of a time in my life that I scarred some friends. Super Bowl 2004, I lived with three really good friends in college. We were all wathcing the game...well I was watching the game, I think they were watching the commercials. It came to the last 2 minutes of the game, and the game was getting crazy. I start yelling and letting the TV have my two cents worth. Meanwhile, my friends vacate the room. I am so involved in the game, I don't hear them calling my name. The end of the game comes, and I finally hear them. I go look for them, and there they are...all three of them in the shower covered in shaving cream. Guess that's what happens, when I get involved in a game.

Good Times!!