Monday, September 29, 2008

Found a Place

Mom and I have found a place to move. We will be moving to a 3bedroom/2 bathroom duplex in Des Moines. Can't wait!!!

This means i will be 7 miles from work instead of 30!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

randomness in my mind

I miss my friends....I really do. I wish I could move closer but I don't have the money to live on my own.

Mom and I are going to look at a house tomorrow to see if we want it!!! I hope it turns out or it will be December before we will be able to move since we have to give 30 days notice to our landlord.

I get to see a whole lot of family today!! Getting ready to leave! I love family!!!

My clothes are toooooooo big and I don't have money to buy new. I have dropped 2 sizes since I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. This is good!! Really good! But now aside from 2 pairs of jeans and a sweater, everything is tooooooo big. Falls off my hips.

I have applied for a new job! Like I said earlier, not because I don't like where I am, I love it. I don't get paid enough though. I need to pay off my student loans and can't on what I make right now. So I applied to a photography place that needs people for taking preschool pictures. It pays more, has all benefits, and gives me the summers off, if I get it.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I AM GETTING EXCITED!!! Mom and I have emailed a person about a three bedroom/2 bathroom duplex in Des Moines. I really hope something comes of this because the other ones we have contacted haven't worked out for one reason or another. I am so ready to be done with this house.

This week at work has been crazy. None of us three teachers has all been there this week. This makes for crazy children and it has added a lot of tension to us other two "regular" teachers. As a result of this, I am ubber tired this week from feeling like doing two peoples work(generally because the substitute we get is lazy, unfortunately). So here's to hoping there will be a normal day this week!! It would be nice.

I am also getting ready for the fall sick season. We have already had Hand Foot and Mouth in my classroom recently so I suppose more junk will be coming our way. Flu Shot here I come!!

Hope you are all doing well!!! Love ya!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

what a work out

WOW!!! Yesterday I helped out with the Winterset Huskies Marching Band. It was fun, but I am feeling it today. I was so excited when the band director put the all call out for help. I love marching band....LOVE IT!! It was great helping them perfect their marching and just seeing how much the band has improved since I have been out. When I was in the marching band we were happy if we didn't get last and now they are known for pulling first or second place at all their competitions!!

Like I said, it was fun but oh do I hurt. I got up this morning and could barely walk because by upper legs muscles were really tight and very sore. So I have been walking around like a very slow older person all day. I am just worried about work and getting up and down all day. I will just buck up and smile!!

ON other notes, mom and I have really started looking for places to live today! I am very excited about this, and hope that the inquiries I have made today turn something up!

Prayer: for my cousin who had surgery on Friday, for the bloodwork that my mom had done on friday, and for direction in whether to look for a new job.

Love you all!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Hey Y'all I decided to start a blog on here!!

A lot of my friends have blogs on this site, so I decided to also!! I hope this will let you keep up with my life and thoughts.

Right now, I am doing well. I started working in the Toddler I room about a month and a half ago. This is ages 10-16 months. I love it. It is pretty much stress free and I love my co workers in the room!! We have 12 little ones walking crawling around the room. They are so wonderful and we laugh everyday. I will share stories of them in a future blog!!

Mom and I are also looking for a place to move to in the Des Moines area. This has been very frustrating to me lately. I am really ready to find a place and get out of this house. Not because I hate the town of Winterset, but because I hate this house. It's ghetto. All the ceilings have paint peeling off, the bathroom is just horrible(you know what I am talking about if you have been here), I am tired of no central air and a boiler unit from the ceiling for heat. Whoever designed this house wasn't informed that WARM AIR RISES!!!!! I am so ready to downsize on the junk and start new!!

Also I am ready to find a new church. I love my church family, but the silly politics the pastor has going on just really peeves me off. It's a long story so I won't get into it, but seriously!!

Other than that life is grand! Love my job, love my God, love my family and friends!!!